Shaping Up a Subscription Box Strategy


SweatStyle is a subscription box and e-commerce service that provides designer fitness apparel hand picked for you.

During the startup’s early days (pre-launch and pre-funding), the CEO wanted strategic planning help.

The immediate goals included:

  • Determine the service’s MVP (both user-facing and back-end).
  • Create a business strategy and pitch that would attract investors.


For the MVP, DoubleHaul focused on providing personalized boxes for customers. Work included designing the minimum customer data needed to keep the service very easy to use. On the back-end, it included planning scalable inventory systems to enable efficient buying and box curation.

For the strategy, DoubleHaul’s planning included defining the monetization approach, pricing, target customers, marketing, the implementation plan and resources needed to execute. DoubleHaul created a pitch deck and provided pitch coaching, which resulted in the CEO raising the needed financing.

SITE: MySweatStyle.com


Business Planning    Product Mgmt     Monetization     UX Design




Business Planning
Product Management
UX Design

Designed User Registration & Data Collection to Enable Personalization

Planned Scalable Inventory Management & Fulfillment

Defined Monetization Approach & Pricing Model

Provided Pitch Coaching & Plan Used to Raise Financing


Jenn’s the type of strategic thinker you need when tackling the big questions on business strategy, products and service.

She brings the right questions and offers considered options, which makes it easier for me to make good decisions and feel confident there’s a comprehensive plan.

Jenn also distilled the strategy down into the presentation I used to pitch – and close – investors. Need I say more?!?

Helena Cawley

CEO & Founder, SweatStyle

DoubleHaul Digital | SweatStyle Project | Shaping Up A Subscription Box Strategy